

巴勒斯坦人大逃亡发生在1948年巴勒斯坦战争期间,有70万巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人(约占战前巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人口的一半)被逐出或逃离家园[1]。此次大逃亡被巴勒斯坦人称之为“纳克巴”(阿拉伯语:النكبة‎, al-Nakbah,意为“大灾难”,西文常用“Nakba”称呼),是整个族群碎片化、丧失资产及土地和流离失所的核心[2][3]。在"大灾难"期间,四百至六百个巴勒斯坦村庄被以色列摧毁,相关历史被抹杀[4]。"大灾难"也可泛指1948年第一次中东战争的整个时期以及至今巴勒斯坦人所持续遭受的迫害[5]。 因为其中大部分巴勒斯坦人定居在邻国的难民营中,难民的确切人数存在争议[6]。但可确定,在新成立的以色列领土上约80%的阿拉伯人居民在当时已经被驱逐或离开了故土[7][8]。1948年5月,在《以色列独立宣言》发表之前,约有25万至30万巴勒斯坦人逃离或被驱逐,这一事实即为阿拉伯联盟进入该国的重要原因,从而引发了1948年阿拉伯-以色列战争






  1. McDowall, David; Claire Palley. The Palestinians. Minority Rights Group Report no 24. 1987: 10. ISBN 978-0-946690-42-8. 
  2. Honaida Ghanim, Poetics of Disaster: Nationalism, Gender, and Social Change Among Palestinian Poets in Israel After Nakba, International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society March 2009 Vol. 22, No. 1 pp.23-39 p.37
  3. Stern, Yoav (13 May 2008). "Palestinian refugees, Israeli left-wingers mark Nakba" . Haaretz. Nakba 60 , BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights; Cleveland, William L. A History of the Modern Middle East, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2004, p. 270. ISBN 978-0-8133-4047-0
  4. Bardi, Ariel Sophia. The "Architectural Cleansing" of Palestine. American Anthropologist. 2016-03, 118 (1): 165–171. doi:10.1111/aman.12520. 
  5. Honaida Ghanim, Poetics of Disaster: Nationalism, Gender, and Social Change Among Palestinian Poets in Israel After Nakba, International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society March 2009 Vol. 22, No. 1 pp.23-39 pp.25-26.
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  7. Masalha, Nur (1992). Expulsion of the Palestinians. Institute for Palestine Studies, this edition 2001, p. 175.
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  14. Leslie Stein. The Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2003. ISBN 978-0-275-97141-0. 
  15. Kodmani-Darwish, p. 126; Féron, Féron, p. 94.
  16. Overview. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). [2011-10-29]. 
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  18. Ilan Pappé, 2006
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